Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Less Than a Month Now...

I'll be moving to VA to attend school in less than a month. I am so excited! And nervous. It feels like I'm being pushed into the deep end of a pool without knowing how to swim. I think that my move to VA is a big test from God. I know it is His will for me to go and He wants to make sure that I am trusting Him through it all. Christen Allocco recently sent out a blogger email asking us to write about what God has been doing in our lives this summer. Well, He's taught me that I can survive on my own. Even though I loooooove my family so much and love being with them, I can be independent and not be afraid to be away from them. He's shown me that I only need to trust Him to take care of things in my life that cause me sadness and worry. He's got my back!!! :) God has also brought me friends that I've connected with online before the move, so I know I've got a great support system before I even move! See? My God is a great God :)

So, as scared as I am, I know God is there to catch me when I jump into the deep end of that scary pool they call life :)

In other news, Alex got her driver's license...I'm working as a tutor, swim instructor, and label designer...I finally got my new bathing suit...aaaaaaannnnnnnddd...that's about it. Blessings!

(And here's a shout out to a Miss Sabrina Holloway!!! She gave me wonderful comments about my blog and has been a good friend through email correspondence, so I thought I'd say "What up!!!" to her in my post! I can't wait to meet you!)


lindsey said...

I am so excited for you, Juana! I know that moving to VA is a big step, but I am so proud that you are jumping into this with such a positive attitude! God is going to do great things for you!! I am so excited to see how everything unfolds. :o)

Sabrina said...

awww....thanks for the shout out! ur the best :) And ur right God's got ur back girl, no worries.

Juana said...

@Lindsey - Thank you for your encouraging words! As the day moves closer, I get more nervous, but I can hear God louder too, saying, "I am with you!" Many blessings to you!

@Sabrina - You're welcome! I think shout-outs are fun :) Thanks for reading my blog and giving me words of encouragement! Blessings!

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