Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blogger Challenge Day 2

-What's the meaning behind your blogger name?

Well, my blogger name is "Juana's Blog (English Major)". Because I blog with my school (Regent! Holla!), the name was chosen by the person that heads up the blog page so that other people, both students at the school and non-students, could easily identify the blog. It's my major...pretty clear. Buuuuut, if you really knew me, you'd know that if I had chosen my own blogger name, it'd probably have the words "pink" and "big hair" in them :)


Anonymous said...

pink is a good word. i am interested to know what you would do with that. btw- you should set up a tumblr, its great. you could use your pink blog name!

Juana said...

I'd be the pink, big-haired girl!!! :)

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