Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Guilty Pleasures

Everyone has guilty pleasures...yes, admit it! Even you! And of course I have mine, so deal with it! :)

1. I love listening to Christmas songs all year long. I don't care what all you haters say, I'm going to do it!

2. I love Snoballs (those pink coconut/chocolate Hostess snacks)

3. I actually like Justin Beiber's new song (Baby, baby, baby, nooooooo!) :)

4. The newest Star Trek movie...I've seen more times than I can count

5. Sappy romance novels...yes, that includes the Twilight series

6. Silly cop shows, like Campus PD.

7. Facebook

8. Skyping

9. Coloring with color pencils

10. Being crazy in public :)

What are your guilty pleasures?!


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