Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fun Times in the Nursery

If you don't already know, I work in my church's nursery with infants. My sister began working there a while before I did and one Sunday the staff was short-handed. So, I stayed and helped and found that I really liked helping out. I heart babies :) I began volunteering full-time a few weeks later and loved it! Instead of sleeping in before church on Sundays, I get up a couple hours earlier and head over to the church. I love seeing my "regulars" (the babies that come almost every week) and meeting new infants. It's fun to play with them and feed them, as well as being able to allow parents to attend the service without worrying if their baby will cry. Yes, I often change poopy diapers and have babies spit up on my nice church clothes, but I don't mind. Working in the nursery is preparing me for motherhood when the times comes :) I've even met some good friends in the other volunteers. One of the babies in particular usually cries and cries when her parents hand her over to the nursery workers, but she has taken a liking to me and never cries when I hold her. It's such a good feeling :) I fell in love with the names of the babies that come in and will keep them in mind when I name my own children. I definitely recommend looking into volunteering in a position at your church or community. It is really reawarding. Blessings! :)


Christen Allocco said...

Love it! I love when kids remember you too. My brother and I worked in the toddler room at church when I was back home. We were on the schedule to volunteer every two months. We came back one time and this little 3-year-old blonde, Allison, comes up to us and said "I haven't seen you in a long time!" It was so cute :].

Glad you're making connections with the babies in your own church!

Juana said...

Thanks, Christen! It really is an amazing feeling! It's so much fun seeing the kids grow up :) One of the little boys calls my sister momma!

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