Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Skinny Dip...Say What?!?!

I know that all of my non-Virginia friends probably freaked out when you saw the title of my blog post :) I'm not talking about *ahem* skinning dipping as most of us know....I'm talking about Skinny Dip the frozen yogurt bar. Back in Cali, we have Berry Star and Tutti Frutti. Berry Star is really good and I enjoyed going every once in a while to enjoy a healthy frozen treat. For those of you that aren't familiar with frozen yogurt bars, all you do it choose a flavor (or two...or three...) of yogurt, then choose different toppings for the yogurt. Personally, I like either the regular tart yogurt flavor or a berry flavor with fruit toppings and coconut. It's delicious! I had Skinny Dip once since I moved to VA and I really liked it. They have a lot of yogurt flavors and toppings to choose from. I like knowing that I can have dessert and stay healthy at the same time. Because yogurt has live cultures in it :) We're going to Skinny Dip tonight for our Life Group's Fall Break meeting. I will try not to gorge myself...promise!!!

On a side note, I'm also super excited to watch Van Helsing when I get back from Skinny Dip. I LOVE that movie! Holla for a fun Thursday evening :) Blessings!

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