Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, July 22, 2011

We're Having a Heat Wave! A Tropical Heat Wave!

...The temperature's rising, it isn't surprising! It certainly can, can can! That's a line from There's No Business Like Show Business, one of Marilyn Monroe's movies. But the lyric always pops into my head whenever it gets really hot outside. And let me tell you! It is sweltering. Literally, I think Virgina Beach has turned into a sauna. I was surprised that the weather had actually stayed pretty tame, but then it got baaaaaad. Luckily, the first day it was hot, I didn't have work so I didn't have to work during the heat. But today was pretty bad. When I got to work in the morning, it was already feeling way to hot to be 8 a.m. Once noon came around, we were all drinking copious amounts of ice water (and I work inside, mind you). After walking back in shorts and a tank, I was still drenched in sweat (can you say gaaaarrross?). My head was achy and I felt sleepy. Ohma goodness! But I can't a few months we'll all be wishing the warm weather was back :) Stay cool my peeps! And remember, John 7:37 says, "If any man thirst, let him come into me, and drink". So if you're feeling hot and thirsty, grab a glass of cool water and your Bible :)


MissWoodhouse said...

It was TOTALLY hot. I love it though. :) Great verse for the past few days!

Juana said...

Thanks Emma girl! :) Hope you're staying cool!

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