Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Civil Wars

So there's this new musical duo that I've discovered. They're called The Civil Wars. Their music is like sitting beneath a huge oak tree whilst hiding from the summer heat. You're sipping on an iced tea and watching the dandelions and fireflies float by as a mild young man sings and plays his guitar. The first song that I heard of theirs is called Barton Hollow which is my favorite so far. The Civil Wars music is so calming and melancholy. Right now, I'm debating buying their album on iTunes for $ includes 14 songs, so I think that's a good deal! I think that they capture the essence that I sometimes feel as an English major who enjoys sitting with a good cup of tea staring out at the rain and trees. It's like the soundtrack that would play as I explored a big southern mansion. Ahhhh, such good music :)


Deanna said...

Hey Juana,

Thought I'd help you save some money. About two years ago I discovered Amazon mp3. Let me tell you it is pretty amazing. Usually they charge less than iTunes. Plus, once a month they have 100 cds for $5! I've gotten so many full-lenth albums for $5. It's a breeze too, once you download their downloader. The tracks will automatically upload into your iTunes library.

Anyway, you can find the Civil Wars album "Barton Hollow" right now on Amazon for $5!


Deanna said...

Oh! There is also their EP, "Poison and Wine", for $2.99 :)

Juana said...

Thanks Deanna! That's actually where I bought it from haha! $5 for 14 songs! That is legit! And I really like the whole CD. :) And Stephen figured out how to get the songs on my iPod because I couldn't.

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