Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, January 21, 2011

What Boys Say When They Play Video Games

(Pic from here)

So I had the privilege of sitting on my friends Stephen, Garna, and Jordan while they played video games. Here are just a few quotes from the night:

Stephen: You're shooting me with stars, like literally.
Jordan: That's a bad idea considering I'm wearing a JET PACK!

Stephen: You can't...*gasp*whhhyyyyy...can't I do anything?!?!

Jordan: What did I say about those stupid flying things, Garna?!
Garna: WHAT?!
Jordan: *blows up Garna's character in the game" THAT'S WHAT!!!!

Garna: *in an alien robot voice" I found the mothership....I found the mothership....I found the mothership.

Stephen: Hey Garna, can I kill you two times in a row?

Thus, ends the funniness of the boy's game time. What a buncha boys! :)

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