Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dance like Nobody is Watching (Hello)


I am going to get started by telling a little bit about myself. Let's see... I'm eighteen years old and I live in California with my family. My sister is fifteen. I have a German Shepherd named Sunny. I am an English/Journalism major. I really enjoy writing. Watching movies and reading are also things that I enjoy doing. And Dancing. I enjoy dancing. This led me to think about something that I wanted to share. Last night, my sister and I were in the kitchen eating cereal. I turned on the radio and a dance song was on. I turned the radio up louder and louder. No one else was home besides my sister, so we decided to have a mini dance party. We were swinging around the kitchen, trying out new dance moves. The volume level got louder as we laughed at our AWESOME moves! Then, just as we were laughing the hardest, the front door handle squealed open. I jumped and screamed at top of my lungs. My sister fell on the floor laughing at my "braveness". It was a really funny situation and it fit into that saying "dance like nobody is watching" =).

Have a blessed day.


Unknown said...

Thats awesome and funny!

Unknown said...

Wazzzz Up!

Hey beautiful girl. I am glad you finally got your blog up and running. Hope you get to chit chat with a lot of really nice people, especially me!

Love Mama

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