Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Book Review for The Help

I now this is a long time coming (I apologize!) but I didn't actually finish the book until about a month ago. I did so while on vacation and I ended up leaving the book at home for my mom to read. Yet, I'm so glad that I finally did read it! It was amazing!

Basically, the story follows three women in 1960s Mississippi where prejudice and stereotyping are still very much a normal part of life. Yet, this doesn't stop Skeeter Phelan, Aibileen Clark, and Minny Jackson from realizing that this "normal" way of life is wrong. Phelan is a writer and begins writing stories told by the maids in her town. Aibileen is the older maid who has served for many different families and realizes that a change can be made, but many people are resistant to the change. Minny is a tough maid who serves white families to make a living for her large family. "The Help" hits on notes dealing with the most basic of human rights. My favorite quote from the book is told to a young white girl by Aibileen: "You is KIND, you is SMART, you is IMPORTANT". The book is quite refreshing and bold. It made me laugh and cry and become totally wrapped into the world of the book. DEFINITE must read!!!!

As a college-age writer, I identified with Skeeter Phelan greatly. She is bold and speaks her mind. Though fearful of certain situations, she overcomes self-doubt and insecurities. Prayer and God are big themes within the storyline. It spreads God's word quietly, which allowed for a more personal analysis as I read through the book.

I went and saw the movie with my mom and sister during vacation. I'm not too critical of book-based movies, so The Help was a great addition to the book. I really liked each actors' portrayal of the characters and the visual aspect that the movie brings adds another level of emotion. I recommend reading the book AND seeing the movie.

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