Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Day :)

Ok, so I just wanted to tell ya'll about my day since it was a particularly an interesting one ;) I went to work. Work was long. I planned to walk to Chick-Fil-A with my boyfriend after I finished at work...I had been craving a spicy chicken sandwich alllll week. But after walking 100 feet outside, we decided it was far too cold to walk a mile each way. I sulked and went back inside. I made myself some tea and sat down to read some blogs. Suddenly, someone knocked on my door. It was Stephen with a bag of Chick-Fil-A!!!! I have an amazing boyfriend ;) I took a nap and woke up in time to go to our hall event, which was to be an awesome video scavenger hunt! When I got there, only Christen and Stormie were there. We attempted to round up a lot more people in order to play the game, but it never worked out. So we decided just to go to dinner and have girl fellowship time. We decided on Chick-Fil-A, but since I had already eaten that for dinner, I got a strawberry banana milkshake. So yummy! We had such a great time talking about God and Regent :) Love you ladies! (On a side note, the Chick-Fil-A cow came out and freaked us out....). Afterwards, we decided that we would have the scavenger hunt tomorrow. It'll be so much fun! Now, I'm sitting on my bed watching Vanity Fair and preparing to proofread my Argumentation paper. Night everyone! :)

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