Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

As Fall Gets Closer, I Reflect on Summer

Oh my goodness! Summer's almost over!!!! This calls for a "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" But I am truly looking forward to Fall and Winter…even though I will miss my summer break. As we approach the coming Autumn season, I look back on what a wonderful summer I had. I visited the beach more than once (and more than twice!). I spent wonderful amounts of time with my family and friends! I blogged up a storm about all my summer activities! New friends were made and I was reacquainted with family members. Birthdays were celebrated (mine, Alex's, and my mom’s). I finished several books that I was reading. I got my driver's license...for those of you who didn't know, I didn't have it before. Overall, it was an amazing summer :) When summer first started, I made a list of things that I wanted to do over the summer. Here's the list and a rundown of whether or not I completed everything on it.

1. My 20th birthday :) Yay, bye bye teenage years...
- Of course I turned 20! :)
2. Look for a new job, one that'll help me build up my journalism and writing experience
- I sent out apps and looked online, but for now I'm still at my old job. There's a job fair coming up soon, so I pray that that will introduce a new job to me.
3. My sister's birthday
- Yepiddy do! My sister turned 17! She's still my little sister, though :)
4. Lots of beach days & a wedding (not my own :D but its gonna be fun!)
- I went to the beach three times and they were each amazing! I wiped out really bad during one trip and I was so dazed, but it was awesome! The wedding was fun, too! It gave me a chance to reflect on true love and got me excited for my own special day!
5. Try new things...let's see what they are... hehe
- Let's see...some new things...driving (oh yeah!), making new dinner recipes, new dance moves, playing RockBand, seeing a play on Broadway (it was my second show, actually, but it was still amazing!)...these are just a few ;)
6. My mom's birthday
- Yep, my mom has a summer birthday, too! We saw a scary movie on her birthday (of all things!), but it was so much fun!
7. Being a great friend to my friends and family, near and know who you are! :)
- And yes, I believe that I was a great friend to all whom I love! I met new friends around the country. I was glad to have spread the love! And I'll continue doing so :)

Now, I'm going to have to make a "to-do" list for Fall! Wow, how time flies! Enjoy the end of summer my friends and look forward to Fall. God has new things in store for us!

Have a blessed day!
Here are some pics taken over the summer...Enjoy! :)
Alex and I at Six Flags on her birthday (you can tell which ride were about to get on!)

Alex and I on my birthday

Mommy and I at the beach

Alex, mommy, and I in front of the Pantages Theater for Legally Blonde: The Musical

1 comment:

Queen Gwennie said...

Summer was a blast but seasons come and seasons go. So must this time end. Looking forward to Fall. Hmm what will it hold?!?!?!?

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