Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Survived!

Sorry I haven't written in a while! Finals were here and they tried to take me away forever! But I broke free and conquered them! I am part of the RESISTANCE!!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Early Valentine's Day Post

It's Valentine's Day! I've always liked this holiday even though I've never celebrated one with a significant other. I've always spent the day with my family, which is awesome! I always got chocolate and flowers from my mom and dad and shared silly Valentine's Day cards with Alex. This is year is a little different because I'm not at home anymore and I'll be with my boyfriend, Stephen. He has something planned for me tonight and I'm excited! I wanted to write a post on what happens tonight, but I also wanted to write one about the loves in my life :) Thank you for loving me!


You are all so amazing and I LOVE YOU!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mafia Wars

This is the reason I was scared to leave my apartment for days. I was being stalked by my assailants with socks! If you aren't familiar with the Mafia Wars rules, here are a few: 1. You are assigned a person's name and you must hit them with a sock in order to eliminate them from the game. 2. Once they are eliminated, you are given the name of the target of the person you just eliminated. 3. The game continues like this until one person is left.

Most of the students have been hiding in their rooms to avoid getting "socked". I'm left in the game after several days of being sly and James Bond-esque. It was really funny seeing people so paranoid of their friends (I'll admit that I was super paranoid as well). I witnessed friends betray friends and enemies form alliances. It's insane! There are only about 13 people left in the game out of the 50 we started with. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top. I'll keep you updated! Over and out! :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011


So, I just checked my grades for a class and I am NOT happy with a grade that I got. The grade isn't horrible, it's a passing grade...but it is no where near the good grades I always strive to get. My grade for the class is now below the mark I want it to be. I am trying not to be bitter and upset about this...just last night in our Life Group, I shared how I tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to my grades. I just like to have control over EVERYTHING and God said NO! Don't do that Juana! Stop it NOW!!! So, here goes, "God please take away my desire to attempt to control everything including my grades. And if I get a "not so desirable" grade, please let me know that I am still the smart, caring girl you created me to be". AMEN! Thank you, Jesus!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Waaaaaaaah! So my days are getting longer and even more filled with schoolwork and work. Days seem crazy because I'm trying to fill each moment with something productive. But I can't do that. Sometimes, it's okay to stop and relax and do nothing. Even if it is just for an hour. Sit with God and imagine sitting on His lap. It's fun to do that :)
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