Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Rainy Day

I'm sitting in my room on the eve of my finals week. It's raining outside and it's coming down pretty hard. As I fell asleep last night, the wind picked up and the rain pelted my window and lulled me to sleep. It was a nice way to end a hard day of finals. When I woke up, the rain was still pelting against my window; it was like a good morning song from God :) So I got up and made a good breakfast. Now, I am sitting typing this post drinking my second cup of chocolate coffee out of my Marilyn Monroe mug. It is quite relaxing to hear the rain and drink my coffee knowing that finals are almost done. The last time it rained this hard, my dad drove us to a little diner to have breakfast. Its fun to know that my rainy days are eventful days! I hope that everyone who had/will have finals has their rainy day. Blessings!

1 comment:

Queen Gwennie said...

Hey, remember me!! I bet you do not get many rainy days where you live. I love rainy days and remember, I live in Virginia Beach and we get our share of them. Rainy day are so peaceful!! Glad you had an opportunity to relish in the day!

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