Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Monday, March 3, 2008

Finding Peace

I know that sometimes, even as a Christian, I worry more about what other people think than what God thinks. I realized that my thinking was wrong in that everyone else has to be happy for me to be happy, but in fact I only have to please God. I discovered a Christian group called Addison Road on itunes one day. They have a song called "All That Matters" and it really opens your mind to how we should not try to please everyone. Look them up on itunes, they're really good. Here are some of the lyrics:

I may never be the one that gets a second glance, I may never be the one they call the prettiest, but that’s alright with me,
And maybe I don’t follow every crazy passion, spend all my time trying to get a good reaction But that’s ok with me.
This world is like a trampoline, High and low no in between, Jumping at the chance to please Everyone but that’s not me, Cause all that matters is All that matters is I know your love has set me free And that’s all that matters to me.
Some people tell me to step out and do my own thing And others say I got to blend in just to be the same And stop being me But this shallow world is no longer what I’m made of I’ve been changed by grace I’ve been saved by love What more do I need.
My life comes from the One Who made the stars and brought the sun He loves me more than these So I don’t need another identity.

Have a blessed day.


Anonymous said...

I definitely struggle with caring about what other people think. It's hard to remember sometimes, but the only opinion we should care about is God's.

God has a way of speaking to me though music, just as He did with you. I'm taking Music Appreciation right now, and one person suggested that unlike reading (where things go through our mind first), music seems to speak straight to our hearts. I think there is a lot of truth in that, at least for me anyways! :) Great post, Juana! And thanks for talking about that song, I listened to it on Itunes and it is fantastic!

Juana said...

Thanks, Mary. Your thoughts on music are so true! I'm glad that you like the song. It's great to listen to when we have to remember that we should only worry about pleasing God. Have a blessed day.

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