I really love dance music and recently discovered an artist named Lady Gaga. She has several hits playing on the radio right now and I decided to buy her CD. I really really like the songs as they provide wild beats for me to dance crazily to :) But I also found a song called "Paper Gangsta". It's a very empowering song for girls of all ages. The song is about not letting a man control who you are. Be true to yourself and don't sell yourself to anyone because of what they can give you. One of the lyrics is "Won't sign away my life to/ Someone whose got the flavor/ But don't have no follow through". Another good lyric is "Cuz I do not accept any less/ than someone just as real, as fabulous". Though I don't think Lady Gaga intended to, she parallels what God tells us to do in the Bible concerning finding a husband. I know that God wants us to be with someone who loves Him first and doesn't put themselves first. The song pretty much says “don't settle for someone cheap; wait for that special person”. And though the song doesn't say to wait for the special person that GOD has given us, we, as Christians, should do exactly that. 1 Corinthians 13:4 says, "Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant". When we find our husband or wife, they should be "just as real" as we are, especially in their relationship with Christ.
Check the song out at iTunes! Also, as there are a few versions, listen to the clean version :)
Have a blessed day!
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