Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Monday, June 1, 2009

Dreaming of Balloons

So the other night I came home from my friend's wedding (which was muy muy fun!). But I wasn't tired so I decided to watch Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull...I only watched 16 minutes of the featurette and was ready to go to bed, but not before I drank at least 20 ounces of water mixed with crystal light. (Do you sense a "crystal" theme?) It was hot in my room and I was thirsty, plus I had eaten a late night snack of a double cheeseburger ;) Usually when I eat or drink a beverage too much before I go to sleep I end up having crazy, wacky dreams. This time was no exception! I dreamed that I woke up and heard sounds coming from outside of my window. I got up and opened the blinds only to find that I lived near a balloon factory that had just blown up. So naturally there were balloons EVERYWHERE! It really was a fantastic sight! I looked down below my window and saw my nieghbors. They didn't care about the balloons, but I think they were mad about being woken up. Needless to say, it was a strange dream, though not the strangest that I've had (I once dreamed that Philip Seymour Hoffman was chasing me around with a tiny razor trying to cut my foot...but that's a whole new blog post!) I'll be sure to post more crazy dreams!

Have a blessed day!

Me being as crazy as my dreams! :)

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