Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Monday, May 11, 2009

Movie Recommendation: Stardust

I just watched a movie called Stardust and I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to recommend it to all of you! It had been sitting in my DVR list for about a month and I was really close to deleting it in order to free up space to record more media. My expectations weren't very high; I viewed it as mainly a kid's movie. But boy am I glad that I watched it!

Who's in it: Charlie Cox as Tristan; Claire Danes as Yvaine; Michelle Pfeiffer as Lamia

Here's the premise:
A young man, named Tristan, is born under magical circumstances and the movie follows his journey into manhood. Tristan tries to win the heart of a girl by fetching a fallen star for her. It turns out that the star is actually a woman who fell from the sky. As he takes the "star" named Yvaine to the girl who he wants to marry, he encounters a prince (or two) who wants the "star" for everlasting life. That way he can be king forever. Tristan also encounters a old witch who wants to eat the Yvaine's heart so she can be youthful and pretty. All the while Tristan is trying to get Yvaine to meet his would-be wife, but finds Yvaine is really in love with him. You can imagine all of the adventures and exciting things that come from Tristan's encounters.

Why I liked it:
I usually really enjoy action/adventure movies. I actually enjoyed the movie's run-time, which was about 2 hours. The movies didn't try to hard to please the young kids, but didn't try to be raunchy to appeal to adults, either. It was just a movie that we could all watch to have a good time. It was very funny; I laughed aloud many times. If you look hard for a lesson, you'll find one: "Love someone who accepts you for who you are".

Watch it and let me know how you like it! :)

Look me up on Facebook; I post more there too.

Have a blessed day!

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