Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, November 4, 2011

MY Very First Pair of Toms!

I had been wanting to buy a pair of Toms for a while now, but I recently went on the website and looked through the different pairs that they have. I think that Toms provides a great way for people to enjoy something for themselves while also helping those in need. If you don't know the Toms story, check it our here! Can't wait til I receive my pair and when the person who receives their from my purchase! God bless!


Allison Ack said...

Congrats! I LOVE my pair ( I have red ones) and I wear them while I teach because they are so comfortable. My kids think I'm the coolest ;).

Juana said...

You ARE the coolest, Allison :)I'm super excited for them to get here!

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