Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Holiday Season

Well Hello! I haven't written a post in a couple of months. I am dedicating this post to the Reason for the Holiday Season!

Every year, I wait for Halloween to pass so that I can enter the Holiday Season! Thanksgiving is only a few days away and Christmas is in about a month. The year goes by so fast, but I relish these wonderful times with my family. In the summer months, you can play outside, but the cold winter months force you (for the most part) to stay in the house with your family. I wouldn't have it any other way. I love to spend time making my annual peppermint sugar cookies. My sister likes helping me bake them, even though she won't eat them :) Picking the Christmas tree and decorating it is one of the best things about the Holidays. I even like helping choose the turkey. I absolutely LOVE the reason that we celebrate during this time of year: Jesus! Some people get hyped up over the amount of gifts that are given or that kids believe in Santa. I say, "Just get over it!" As long as Jesus is the ultimate reason for the Holiday Season, I don't think it should be an issue over "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas". I say "Merry Christmas" because I believe it! I give gifts because I love to spread joy to my friends and family. I get together with my family because that's what God wants us to do.

Now, go drink some Egg Nog and watch a Christmas movie; the Holiday Season is almost here!

Have a blessed day!

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