I was required to write a poem for my Brit Lit class last semester and I was inspired by a dream that I had a few weeks before. These are two stanzas from my poem:
God’s presence is like none other that I have felt,
I can do all things through Him.
In Him my human heart has dwelt.
I feel strength in every limb.
Now, the Devil is afraid,
He knows I am already free,
He knows he has been betrayed.
He grimaces at my rising jubilee.
The angels take me away from the doom,
The Lord is going to speak with the Creature,
Now I am in the light and out of the gloom,
I smile at my glorious Teacher.
He causes the Devil’s demons to cower.
I always knew that He would come.
According to His Word and power,
To Him I must succumb.
My poem was over 1,000 words, but these stanzas capture the theme of it. The Lord is so amazing!
Have a blessed day :)