Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Monday, July 2, 2012

This Is It :)

Well, hello there.  I know I haven't written in a while.  And I sincerely apologize for that.  HOWEVER, I have been so busy.  To tell you the truth, I have been yearning to blog, but something wasn't quite right.  I was entering a new season in my life.  My undergraduate college career was coming to a close and life was beginning to feel quite different.  It was like the leaves were changing colors and falling off of the trees where they usually make their home.  It felt good though!  Refreshing and freeing to have that free fall sensation concerning my future.

With that being said, I think this will be the last post that I will write for my Regent Undergraduate blog.  It makes me sad, but I know that I want to begin something new.  So, I will create a new blog and post the link  here so that all of my followers can reach me at my new blog.  I am SO excited.  Even that small step of beginning a new blog gives me a bit of that free fall feeling I've been having since graduation.

Farewell my dears!  I'll see you on my new blog!  


Toni said...

As most of us humans naturally experience change at different intervals in our lives, it is very refreshing and encouraging to see that you are up for the challenge and ready to face your future head on with elegance and grace. You are such an excellent example to those around you. I look forward to reading about the new adventures that God will put on your path of life. YOU GO GIRL!

Juana said...

Thank you, mama! I love your encouragement! You trained me well mama! I LOVE you!

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