Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

God is Preparing Me...

To be a wife and a mommy :) I can feel it! I worked several days straight after having only one day off after going 10 days NON-STOP completing finals schoolwork while simultaneously working my regular job. It was really tiring and I NEEDED a day off. So what do I do on my day off you might ask? Well, I answer you that I did housework. This includes cleaning out my closet (because I had boxes upon boxes stowed away), washing my laundry and bedding, vacuuming the entire apartment, airing out the apartment, cleaning the kitchen, dusting, cutting the stems off of the flowers Sammi gave me and arranging them as decorations in my room, and taking out copious amounts of trash and recycling. PLUS, I checked my finals grade for session A (not too shabby, I might add), looked up which books I'll need for session B, obtained a copy of a book I'll need for session B, got campus PD and Jordan (Thank you boys!) to help jump start Sammi's car because I may or may or may not have left the lights on for longer than I should have, returned books at the library, ordered a yummy lunch (pepperjack grilled cheese, fries, chai tea latter) from the Ordinary, and prepared to apply for a SOAR student leader position. And let me tell you! Today has been so eye-opening because I know this is what being a wife and mommy will feel never stop going, but you still enjoy every moment (and getting so many things accomplished during a short period of time). I praise and thank God for the family of my own that I will have in a few years. Thank you, Lord!


LizbethDreamer3 said...

I love it!!! Sometimes I feel the exact same way, and I realize that I'm enjoying every (exhausting but accomplishing) part! God is so awesome :D

Juana said...

God is so awesome! It makes me want to jump around and shout in His Holy Name! :)

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