Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Thursday, February 10, 2011


So, I just checked my grades for a class and I am NOT happy with a grade that I got. The grade isn't horrible, it's a passing grade...but it is no where near the good grades I always strive to get. My grade for the class is now below the mark I want it to be. I am trying not to be bitter and upset about this...just last night in our Life Group, I shared how I tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to my grades. I just like to have control over EVERYTHING and God said NO! Don't do that Juana! Stop it NOW!!! So, here goes, "God please take away my desire to attempt to control everything including my grades. And if I get a "not so desirable" grade, please let me know that I am still the smart, caring girl you created me to be". AMEN! Thank you, Jesus!


Anonymous said...

You're awesome! Thanks for being honest!!!!

Anonymous said...

PS...check out my new blog:

Juana said...

Thank you Jeremy!

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