Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Reasons I Love Being a Girl

I'm so so so glad that God let me be a girl! I absolutely love it! Here are just a few reasons why :)

1. It's okay to wear the color pink...and I do it quite often :)
2. Skirts and dresses make up the majority of my wardrobe
3. We get to have babies!!!
4. We can wear heels
5. We get to wear pretty pretty makeup and play with different eyeshadow colors :)
6. We get to see the look on guys faces when we beat them in a game, make a goal, shoot a basket, or beat them when running a mile.
7. Lipgloss, 'nuff said.
8. Smiling and batting our eyelashes to get free stuff, but only when absolutely necessary ;)
9. We pretty much smell good all of the time
10. Being able to dance crazily, scream madly in public, and act silly :) No one calls it insanity, it's just me being me :)


Plus, you get to act crazy with your sister :)

Remeber my reason about wearing dresses? Yep :)

Yep again :) And wear pretty feather masks :)

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