Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, December 11, 2009

Updates of the Day

Helllooo World!

Well, at least that's how I felt for the day...I haven't been out of the house for 2 days since I got sick. It was nice to get away from my computer for a while and enjoying the sights and sounds of Christmas. I woke this morning and did my hair. It's getting super long! :) Our church was having a Christmas pageant tonight and I was really excited! I discovered that I like a new song by Amy Whinehouse called "Stronger than Me"'s quite comical at times while letting guys know that they should the head of the relationship. Take a listen! Anywhoooo, we went to Panda Express for a quick dinner before the pageant. The pageant was wonderful! They had several acrobat artists and great singers. It's really starting to feel like Christmas!

After the pageant, we went to Walgreens...which was fun because Alex and I went ga-ga over pictures of Tay Lau Lau (you know who!) in the magazines. After that, we got pretty we did the right thing and got ice cream. Haha, well I got yogurt, but still ;) We danced in the car for a bit...jamin' to those tunes, you know how I go! It was a really fun night! had to be there :)

Have a blessed day!
Mommy and Alex at the Pageant

Me and Mommy

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