Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall (Love) Fall

It's just a few days until we hit November and I'm already craving the things of Fall and Winter! The weather just turned really teeth chattering cold! The winds are blowing like mad. But the good thing is that the cold makes me want to:
1. Snuggle up in bed for an extra hour after I wake up.
2. Turn on the heater and fall asleep to its hum.
3. Turn on the heater in my car and listen to it make weird cat-like noises.
4. Listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies.
5. Go to a Winter Formal.
6. Drink lots of coffee and tea! Preferably peppermint mocha coffee or peppermint tea.
7. Buy a really nice, fuzzy sweater or coat to wear.
8. Wish that the super winds bring super rain and snow.

So, yes, the cold really does bring awesome stuff with it! I drank a cup of tea and two cups of hot chocolate today...its affecting me! But I know that Fall means the beginning of the holidays and in a month I'll be stuffing my mouth with Thanksgiving foods. I love it! Thank you, God, for each season!
Have a blessed day :)

Alex does a really good job :)

Raking up the leaves, Sunny loves to help :)

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