I'm having a very eventful "end of May, beginning of June"! My friend got married on Saturday. My sister, another friend, and I spent the afternoon going over our outfits, picking out eyeshadows, and practicing dance moves :) The ceremony was beautiful, as was the bride! After the wedding, I was hungry from dancing so we went to McDonalds and I ate a double cheeseburger for my late night snack :) Then, on Sunday, my mom, sister, and I saw Terminator Salvation. It was really good, but I thought it could've been better. Maybe I just expected waaaaay too much from it. We went to lunch at Wendy's and we tried a new coffee shake. I think that coffee + shake = yum yum yum! But after lunch we didn't want to go home so we went back to the movies and saw another movie! This time it was Angels and Demons, which I really had no expectations for. It ended up having a lot of action and an interesting plot so I enjoyed it. On Monday, my neighbors left for their vacation and I'm in charge of taking care of their dog, birds, AND cats. Oh yes...I'm very talented ;) (This is my second dog-sitting job in two weeks!) The dog, named Buddy, is sooooo cute! I don't like leaving him alone when his family isn't there because dogs need attention!
My sister wanted to play tennis on Tuesday, so she finished up her schoolwork early and we went to the park to play a game or two. We had no idea how hot it was! We played 5 sets in a game and I won 3-2. You did a good job, Alex! Tennis is one of our favorite sports and it really gives you a workout! We we're surprised at how well we played since we haven't played in months. It's that muscle memory I guess. But, as it turned out, we had forgotten our water bottles, so we walked to the store and got something to drink. By this time, I realized that my tendons were burning from rubbing against my shoe. By the time we walked back to the park, I had to take my shoes off. It was all good, though, we just played "baby tennis" in our socks. And another lady who came to play after we did asked me if I really played in my socks! So, yes, it’s been a very fun week! I can't wait to have more adventures!
Have a blessed day!

Alex and I at the park playing tennis

Pretty Alex before the wedding

Me before the wedding