Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Today is Thanksgiving! I have been waiting all year to be with my entire family and eat good food. This week, a really stressful thing was lifted off of my shoulders and it made me realize that I am truly thankful for God and my family. I think that I would have gone crazy if not for God's loving power and my family's love as well. I think that love is on my list of things that I am thankful for this year. Health and my family are two others. But I think that without love, I would have broken down this year. As the year comes to close, I like to reflect on the major events that happened this year. The ones that I remember the most were ones that were filled with love. So I just have to say, "Thank you God for your love! I am truly thankful for you and all that you have given me and my family."

Have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving!

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