Heeeellllooooo! Well, you'e caught me on the tail end of my Fall Break here at Regent University. It has been busy, but still great! Here are just a few highlights of my week.
1) No school. Obviously.
2) Again....no school. Obviously.
3) A's in both of my classes! I aced Shakespeare! Huzzah!
4) The apartment is now clean. Both my wonderful roommate and I have super long curly hair and it tends to get everywhere. Our apartment usually stays pretty clean but we hardly have time to scrub it down weekly. So I took the chance to do just that.
5) While doing the afore mentioned cleaning, I happened to have a BATTLE ROYALE with hundreds of ants that decided to pour out of my bathtub drain. I won the battle, just so you know :)
6) Ordering books. I actually enjoy this part of my break because it gives me a chance to feel refreshed about the classes that I will be taking.
7) Spending time with Stephen. We got to see Regent's stage production of The Three Musketeers. I loved it! And spending time with him is so much fun!
8) We were going to see the Civil Wars in concert, but the concert was postponed so that trip will happen later this year. Yay!
9) No school. And, yes, it was necessary for me to say this three times.
10) Having a sweet, quiet weekend just chilling, even if that did mean staying sort of busy :)
Have a wonderful week, lovelies!