So I went a little insane on
Amazon last night. Not money insane...I work too hard for my money to do that. I went insane looking at all of the stuff I *wanted* to buy. There is soooo many interesting things on Amazon. I am really started to become interested in
Keri Smith's work. She is a writer and an artist and uses her unique skills to create books that the reader can interact with. I saw that Amazon had a boxed set with three of the books she has written. On a whim, I ordered the set instead of just the one book I was originally going to get. The three books are "Wreck This Journal", "Mess", and "This is Not a Book". I am SO excited to get them! And with my Amazon student status (Holla!), the books are being shipped to me sans shipping fees and in ONE day because of another special deal that Amazon tacked on :) As stated in my other blog post, I did order The Help and Water for Elephants. I haven't read books for pleasure in so long! It will be fun to spend crazy time with the interactive journals and also to have quiet tea time with the novels. Can you smell it folks?! It the smell of a booky summmmmmeeeerrrr!
P.S. I just had a freak out moment after remembering that I have to actually wreck the journal...uh oh ;)