I started going to Life Group by accident. I just happened to be in the community room the night the first meeting was to take place. I was waiting for a friend so we could watch a movie and do homework. But plans fell through. God had a plan. He wanted me to be at Life Group instead. So in walked three pretty ladies carrying bags of goodies and setting up tables and chairs. And so began my relationship with
Megan Comer, Meron Berhane, and Rachel Judy :) They are my Life Group leaders! They are awesome, beautiful, lovely ladies of God. And funny. They are very funny.
I knew right away that being at LG (Life Group) during the semester and year was going to be great! God really works in the group of girls that come to LG, even the girls that are not able to come every week. LG is like a Bible Study - college life - social/ God time. It is an interesting merge of all the great aspects of Regent University.
I have gotten to know so many of my friends at Regent from that first LG meeting. My bestie Sammi was there...I remember thinking, "Dang, that girl is short...and she has a bright pink purse...dannnnnnggg". Which is weird because I am short and carry a bright pink purse...
One of my favorite LG memories is when Megan, Meron, and Rachel had each girl write their favorite thing about every girl in the meeting. So, I now have a paper taped to my wall that has special and enduring memories from each girl in my LG. Annnnnnd we went out to the California Pizza Kitchen and all got all dressed up! Amazing fun!
So if you are a Regent student, find out who your LG leaders are and GO GO GO to an LG meeting. You won't regret it! Blessings!