Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 6
- Favorite super hero and why?
I've just decided that Batman is my favorite superhero. He's one of the few superheroes that does not have any superpowers, but still manages to fight crime. He has billions of dollars, yes, but he's still awesome. And handsome...super handsome. The picture that I posted is awesome! Batman drinks milk! Holla!!! So, if you haven't seen Dark Knight, watch it. Great movie. Then, I am sure Batman will work his way into your heart as your favorite superhero :)

Monday, September 27, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 5
- A picture of you and your friends

Photo taken by Christen Allocco's camera
The girls and I after our tie-dye party. Awwww, look at how awesome we are :)Sunday, September 26, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 4
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Regent Regatta
I mentioned a few blog posts ago that I was really excited for the Regent Regatta which is a boat race that was to be held in the pond near student housing. I knew it was going to be awesome even though I wasn't sure if I was actually going to be in the race. But Thursday night, I found out that I was on a team with Christen (RA!), Krystal (roommate), Sammi (hallmate), and Sarah (RA!). We went shopping for supplies at Walmart and we got lots (and I mean lots) of pool noodles, an air mattress, glue, rope, and blue and pink duct tape. We spent the whole night making our boat. Glue and popcorn stuck to our hands (because we were eating while we worked...of course!). The boat looked awesome! We stored it in our secret hiding place and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up and put my war paint on...I looked so fierce! Then, we headed out to race! I met a few of the other racing teams and we all put our life vests on. Here's a crucial part of the story...my teammates and I noticed another team that only had a broom and stick to use as paddles, so we decided to give them one of our paddles. Then! The race began! We jumped in the water and started to paddle. Our plan wasn't working quite like we had planned and soon we were far behind the other boats. But we kept paddling (with our one paddle of course) and Sammi and Krystal began kicking their legs like propellers. We were WAY behind and soon someone had already won. But we kept paddling and didn't give up. Lots of people were looking...it was funny. Then, Adam Williams decided to end the race. Even though we didn't place at all, we still won for Best Spirit. And get THIS! The team that we gave our paddle to actually won the race! It was a funny turn of events. I think we really blessed that team with our oar :) I was sweaty, gross, muddy, and smeared with paint, but I had a blast. Then, I ate hamburgers and played volleyball in the mud, met new friends, and enjoyed the outdoors. Such a fun afternoon! You wish you were there ;)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 2
- A habit you wish you didn’t have
I have a lot of habits...but I guess a bad habit I wish I didn't have was to worry so much. Ew. I hate worrying, but I do it too often. I always feel like I have to have control over a situation, but I always need to remember to give everything to God. He's my Papa and He takes care of me! :)
I have a lot of habits...but I guess a bad habit I wish I didn't have was to worry so much. Ew. I hate worrying, but I do it too often. I always feel like I have to have control over a situation, but I always need to remember to give everything to God. He's my Papa and He takes care of me! :)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 2
-What's the meaning behind your blogger name?
Well, my blogger name is "Juana's Blog (English Major)". Because I blog with my school (Regent! Holla!), the name was chosen by the person that heads up the blog page so that other people, both students at the school and non-students, could easily identify the blog. It's my name...my blog...my major...pretty clear. Buuuuut, if you really knew me, you'd know that if I had chosen my own blogger name, it'd probably have the words "pink" and "big hair" in them :)
Well, my blogger name is "Juana's Blog (English Major)". Because I blog with my school (Regent! Holla!), the name was chosen by the person that heads up the blog page so that other people, both students at the school and non-students, could easily identify the blog. It's my name...my blog...my major...pretty clear. Buuuuut, if you really knew me, you'd know that if I had chosen my own blogger name, it'd probably have the words "pink" and "big hair" in them :)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 1
Ok, here's the first challenge of my blogger challenge:
- A recent picture of you and 5 interesting facts about yourself. Here goes!!!
1. I love to run and do cartwheels
2. I once ate a plastic cherry off a dessert display...my parents thought it was funny
3. I love smiling :)
4. I don't wear watches
5. I twist the ring around my finger when I'm nervous
- A recent picture of you and 5 interesting facts about yourself. Here goes!!!
1. I love to run and do cartwheels
2. I once ate a plastic cherry off a dessert display...my parents thought it was funny
3. I love smiling :)
4. I don't wear watches
5. I twist the ring around my finger when I'm nervous
Blogger Challenge!!
So, a lot of my friends use Tumblr instead of Blogger.com. I've noticed that some of them have been doing the 30-day Tumblr challenge, so I wanted to get in on the action and do it, but with my blog. So I've adapted the list (I hope Tumblr doesn't mind me using it...) and so ya'll will get to learn a little more about me in the next month! Weeeeeeeee! Here we go! Here's the list:
- A recent picture of you and 5 interesting facts about yourself.
- The meaning behind your Tumblr name.
- A habit you wish you didn’t have.
- A pictue of somewhere you’ve been to.
- A picture of you and your friends.
- Favorite super hero and why?
- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.
- Short term goals for this month and why?
- Something you’re proud of in the past few days.
- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad.
- Another picture of you and your friends
- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one.
- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
- A picture of you and your family.
- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play.
- Another picture of yourself.
- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.
- Plans/dreams/goals you have.
- Nicknames you have; why do you have them.
- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future.
- A picture of something that makes you happy.
- What makes you different from everyone else?
- Something you crave for a lot.
- A letter to your parents
- What I would find in your bag:
- What you think about your friends?
- Why are you doing this 30 challenge?
- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
- In this past month, what have you learned?
- Who are you?
- A recent picture of you and 5 interesting facts about yourself.
- The meaning behind your Tumblr name.
- A habit you wish you didn’t have.
- A pictue of somewhere you’ve been to.
- A picture of you and your friends.
- Favorite super hero and why?
- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.
- Short term goals for this month and why?
- Something you’re proud of in the past few days.
- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad.
- Another picture of you and your friends
- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one.
- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
- A picture of you and your family.
- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play.
- Another picture of yourself.
- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.
- Plans/dreams/goals you have.
- Nicknames you have; why do you have them.
- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future.
- A picture of something that makes you happy.
- What makes you different from everyone else?
- Something you crave for a lot.
- A letter to your parents
- What I would find in your bag:
- What you think about your friends?
- Why are you doing this 30 challenge?
- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
- In this past month, what have you learned?
- Who are you?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Tie-Dye Date!!!
I had a pretty amazing Saturday night! It was our tie-dye date for the 3 East girls. The party was held in my quad and I baked brownies and put icing on them! Plus, I decked them out with sprinkles and pink/blue sparkles!!! Sooooo yummy! My roommate made brownies with walnuts and Oreo mudpie. Christen Allocco helped me deocorate the room with streamers and we set up the food. M & M's, powdered sugar, strawberries, everrrrrrything! The girls starting arriving around 8 and Christen and Destiny began making the waffles (and surprise! They made pancakes too!). We ate ourselves into oblivion! Lots of pictures were taken and we laughed and laughed! Then, it was time for the tie-dye! We went outside in the parking lot and tied up our t-shirts. Christen put the tie-dye mix in water bottles and we squirted the dye onto the t-shirts. It was a fun, new thing for me to experience! I think all of us girls had fun! A lot of people wondered why there were so many pretty ladies in the parking lot ;) A little later, the girls came back to the room and they chilled and watched a movie. Such a fun evening!!! (And my shirt came out pretty nice!!). I can't wait to hang with these ladies again! :)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Ohhhh, Just Some Things I'm Excited For ;)
It's Thursday...my roommate likes to call our Thursdays here at Regent "early Fridays". There is a big long list of things I have to do before the weekend (submit Lit essay, take math quiz, clean the apartment, etc.). Buuuuuuuuut! There is also a big long list of things that are coming up that I cannot wait to do!
1. UnChapel tonight! I haven't been to UnChapel yet this semester, but I'm looking forward to going tonight!
2. Thursday Game Night after UnChapel!!! I missed half of it last week, but hopefully, I'll make it tonight! I love playing games with my friends! Woot woot!
3. Friday shopping trip to Walmart :)
4. Friday's "Movie on the Lawn", which will be featuring Toy Story 3, which I LOVED. Snacks and a movie outside?! Holla!
5. Saturday's Tie-Dye party for our awesome hall! I've never tie-dyed before, so I'm pretty excited. PLUS I get to hang out with my awesome new girlfriends who live in my hall, including our wonderful RA Christen! We get waffles and fun time. And I'm thinking I might bake some goodies...maybe ;)
6. The Regent Regatta, which will be an awesome boat race in our awesome pond! I didn't realize that the boats actually had to have people inside of them...yeah, they do. The Regatta isn't until next week, so if I decided to participate with my hall, we have 24 hours to make the boat. Who knows?! We might win!
So yes, these are the things for which I am excited for; God ALWAYS has amazing things planned for me :) My school is pretty amazing! Blessings!
1. UnChapel tonight! I haven't been to UnChapel yet this semester, but I'm looking forward to going tonight!
2. Thursday Game Night after UnChapel!!! I missed half of it last week, but hopefully, I'll make it tonight! I love playing games with my friends! Woot woot!
3. Friday shopping trip to Walmart :)
4. Friday's "Movie on the Lawn", which will be featuring Toy Story 3, which I LOVED. Snacks and a movie outside?! Holla!
5. Saturday's Tie-Dye party for our awesome hall! I've never tie-dyed before, so I'm pretty excited. PLUS I get to hang out with my awesome new girlfriends who live in my hall, including our wonderful RA Christen! We get waffles and fun time. And I'm thinking I might bake some goodies...maybe ;)
6. The Regent Regatta, which will be an awesome boat race in our awesome pond! I didn't realize that the boats actually had to have people inside of them...yeah, they do. The Regatta isn't until next week, so if I decided to participate with my hall, we have 24 hours to make the boat. Who knows?! We might win!
So yes, these are the things for which I am excited for; God ALWAYS has amazing things planned for me :) My school is pretty amazing! Blessings!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Girl's Night Out
I joined a Life Group at Regent; it's like a small group Bible study for the girls on our floor. It's an amazing time to get together with my new girlfriends and talk about God. Once a month, we take a trip off campus for our life group meeting. For our first outing, we got all dolled up and went to California Pizza Kitchen. We all looked AMAZING! While we waited for other girls to meet us at the meeting spot, we talked and took pictures. After arriving at CPK, I had the hardest time trying to figure out what I wanted. There were so many good choices! Spicy chicken pizza, fettuccine alfredo, club sandwiches...oh my! I ended up getting the Greek pizza. It had olives, Mediterranean spiced chicken, feta cheese, red onions, and roma tomatoes with lemon vinaigrette. It was really interesting and really amazing! So delicious! (You know what I’m craving now!) The ladies and I talked over dinner and got to know each other better. Our cool LG leader, Megan, sat with us, too! We shared stories about how God is working in our lives, played the “favorite animal” game (thanks Megan!), and showed each other our driver’s license pictures. More pictures were taken after dinner in front of a neat fountain. A few of us were craving ice cream, so we walked to Cold Stone and got some sweet treats. What a fun night! I'm glad that I was able to enjoy such a fun evening with these awesome ladies! Here some pictures from our outing :) Blessings!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Random Thought of the Day
I can't do a proper forward roll. Nope. Can't do it. I'm so afraid I'm going to crack my neck or pull my hair. Nope. Still can't. My friend tried to help me, but I landed on my shoulder after turning halfway through the roll. I'll keep working on it and update you guys and if I was successful. By the way, I can do a perfect cartwheel...10 cartwheels in a row even....what's up with this simple forward roll?! Haha...I'll get it eventually.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Playing Games
So I feel like after coming to college, I've been playing more board games, card games, and games I've never really played before. Ever heard of Phase 10? Nope, me neither. Haha, but my friend Doug showed me and my friend to play. And it was fun! We played until 1 in the morning and I was TIRED! But it was so so fun. I also played Frisbee and learned how to throw the frisbee not "frou frou" as I was told I throw it. I've played pool, ping pong, Mad Gab, and jenga. I learned how to play another card game...can't remember the name though...see how many games I've played?! College life is fun and I don't need to drink or do drugs for it to be that way! And that is NOT cheesy! :) Blessings!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
A Quick Poem Before Class
Who are you to me
To feel my heart with glee?
Don't go, but don't stay
I can't understand what I say.
Make me smile, please do
Keep me sane, won't you?
Who are you to me?
I'm not quite sure, not quite ready.
Dance a little in the rain,
But! Don't splash me...don't be a pain.
I can't decide if I want to be free.
Make a way for myself...Who are you to me?
-An original poem by Juana Lopez
To feel my heart with glee?
Don't go, but don't stay
I can't understand what I say.
Make me smile, please do
Keep me sane, won't you?
Who are you to me?
I'm not quite sure, not quite ready.
Dance a little in the rain,
But! Don't splash me...don't be a pain.
I can't decide if I want to be free.
Make a way for myself...Who are you to me?
-An original poem by Juana Lopez
Saturday, September 4, 2010
How I Spent My Friday
I spent early Friday morning (midnight) stressing about the Brit Lit quiz I had to take when I woke up and the math homework that was due in a few days. Uhhhhhg. I called my dad and complained...texted my friend and complained...sykped with my mom and dad and complained. Haha, I really was not looking forward to those assignments. I dealt with the pain and got up the next morning to take the quiz. This particular quiz didn't have a timer on it, so I spent the next 2 hours writing out the essay and answering the literature questions. Then, I accidentally deleted half of my essay! But I finally completed it and did pretty well on it. Then, it was onto my math homework. It was actually pretty painless, thank God! After the math homework, I did laundry and hung out with my friend for a part of the evening. Around midnight, I went back to my room, folded laundry, and had funny conversations with my roommates. It was an interesting day :)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Life in VA
Well, I've been in VA for about 3 weeks now. I have felt so many emotions...sadness, joy, anger, confusion, and love. I'm enjoying it, though! I'm sitting at the desk in my room, eating breakfast (grapes, bagel, and coffee) and feeling oddly different. The weeks have been folding into one another. I've gotten to know my roommates better, met new friends, gone to classes. I miss my family so much! I can't wait until I can see them! But, yes, other than my homesickness, I've been adjusting well. My hall, RA'ed by the lovely Christen Allocco, had a great prayer time and Bible study on Monday. I'm really looking forward to doing that each week. We're trying to plan a pajama party for the girls on our floor so we can paaaaarrrtttay ;) And of late, we are expecting a big storm later on (Hurricane Earl...). I will keep everyone updated on how it goes! And, I know this post is kind of messy and random, but I had lots of little tidbits to share, so I just spilled them all out. Blessings!
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