Friday, December 31, 2010
A New Year....2011 That Is!
- Grew closer to God
- Flew to VA in March and visited my school
- My most awesome, beautiful dog died...Sunny you will live on in our memories forever! Love you!
- I turned 21!
- I moved to VA in August to attend school.
- I went to Regent's annual Christmas Ball. It's something I've wanted to for years now :)
- I learned not to people-please and learned to say no when I need to.
- I became more confident in myself.
- I started working at a hotel.
- I met so many awesome new friends :) Love you guys!
- I was an extra in a few student produced movies :)
- I saw my little sister graduate from high school
And a shout-out to my family! I love you guys! You supported me so much this year and I am so grateful for that. You always encouraged me and loved me no matter how far away I was. May God always keep and bless you :)
Monday, December 27, 2010
Hahahaha! Funny Side Note
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Blogger Challenge 20
God has definitely been providing me such Godly men and male friends that have been great examples of what a Godly husband should be like. There is definitely one Godly man right now that I can see myself marrying in the future. I am waiting on God's timing though and do not want to rush things yet. I've decided that I do not want to be a serial dater...I want the person I date to be the one I marry. (I smell another long blog post coming on... :)) But, yes, that the answer to the question in a nutshell.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merrrrrrrry Christmaaaaaasss!!!

Merry Christmas to all of my fellow bloggers and followers. I'm so happy to be home this holiday, as I didn't think I was going to make this year. We got our tree on Christmas Eve (this huge 7 ft tree for $10 mind you). I decorated it yesterday and wrapped the presents. The smell of the tree is wonderful :) I pray that you and yours have a wonderful, blessed Christmas and remember that Jesus came to die for our sins. He dies blameless for us so that we may have eternal salvation in Him and His Father. Sit a while and think about that with your family this Christmas season. Love you all! Merry Christmas! :)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas at Home :)
Blogger Challenge 19
"Juana Duck" - As my mom tells the story, "When you were born and in your incubator (I was a premie), one of the nurses had drew a picture of a duck on your name tag"
"Doody" - Funny nickname my parents came up with :)
"Doodah" - Transformed from the previous nickname
"Juan Juan" - Alex started calling me this about a year ago and now my mom calls me that as well
"JuaJuasita" - Hybrid nickname my mom uses :)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Blogger Challenge 18
These are just a few of the dreams/plans/goals that I can think of now :)
1. Continuing to love and cherish my family and friends
2. Marrying the one that God has ordained for me and having a wonderful family :)
3. Maintaining a high GPA and enjoying the classes I take
4. Finding new pretty clothes to wear
5. Learning new makeup tricks
6. Checking things off of my "bucket list"
7. Write a book
8. Have more of my articles published
I Have My Life Back!!!!!
After I could sleep in a little, I went Christmas shopping and treated myself to some yummy snacks. Now, it's Tuesday, almost 1 in the afternoon...I'm still in my pajamas, watching some random MTV movie about cheerleaders, and enjoying the clean, quiet apartment. Ahhhhh. Feels so nice :) I hope you are all enjoying your vacations and Christmas season! Many blessings!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Finals, Finals, Were Have You Put All of the Fun in My Life?!??!
P.S. 7 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *just thought you should know*
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Things I'm Really Enjoying About Christmas

- In the words of Christen Allocco "Hellloooo! It's the birthday of the Savior of the universe!!!!"
- Egg Nog Lattes
- Peppermint Mochas
- All of my favorite Christmas songs
- Christmas Ball
- Pretty white outfits
- Being reminded that Jesus IS the reason for the season.
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the original version)
- The smell of a Christmas tree
- Cranberry anything :)
- Anything Peppermint :)
- Spending even more precious time with the ones I love!!!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Blogger Challenge 17
I would switch lives with Greta Van Susteren for a day. She is such an awesome reporter and I definitely see myself being in her shoes one day. I'd love to work in NY as a news anchor. She isn't afraid to tell it like it is and I admire that. She's a woman in charge!
Christmas Ball on a Snowy Night
Monday, November 15, 2010
My Fun Weekend :)
The next morning, we got up early to eat breakfast and take the girls to their various activities. The rest of the host students went back to get more sleep and do homework. At 12, we all convened in the atrium to have lunch. It was so much fun! I got to talk with Dean Moreno-Riano. So awesome! We prayed with the girls and said goodbye. With only a few hours until we left for Sammi's family house, we decided to do some work in the library. Then, Harvest started. We enjoyed hot dogs and hot chocolate. It was a super fun Thursday and Friday!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 16
Friday, November 12, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 15
1. In My Head by No Doubt
2. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer by Lena Horne
3. Boys Boys Boys by Lady Gaga
4. Christmas Is by Lou Rawls
5. Indescribable by Chris Tomlin
6. Sleigh Ride by Ella Fitzgerald
7. Wait for You by Nelly Furtado
8. Christmas Time is Here by Charlie Hunter
9. Pocket Full of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield
10. Serious by Gwen Stefani
As you can tell, I like Christmas music :)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 13
I decided to write a letter to someone who has blessed me since no one has hurt me recently and I'd rather focus on the positive side of things :)
Dear Amazing Person,
You have blessed my life richly since I have met you! I'm so glad that God has placed you in my life :) Whenever I need encouragement you are there to lift me up. You make me laugh and cry in tears with the funny stuff we say to each other. Thank you for praying for me and with me. Thank you for feeding me when I'm hungry and also eating my food :) I love running up and down the halls with you and making as much noise as possible in order to bug other people. I love our long talks; I can tell you anything. You're so full of Godly wisdom. Jesus dwells within us and nothing can bring us down! Hallelujah! Thank you.
Monday, November 8, 2010
My Past Few Weeks...In Pictures!!!!
Thank you to all who made my weeks so special! I love you all!
Blogger Challenge Day 12
I had actually been wanting a blog for a few years (starting around 2006). I knew it would be a great way to "publish" my work and ideas. After I was accepted to Regent U, I found that they had a site consisting of the bloggers who blogged under the school's name. I thought, "What a great way to get my name out there and publish my work". So I joined and have been blogging ever since :)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Time for a Blog Post!
I know I haven't blogged in over a week. I've been so busy trying to get situated with these new classes and I haven't had time to catch ya'll up on my happenings! Here are a few new things that have been up to....I straightened my hair! So now all of my new Regent friends have experienced the epic awesomeness that my hair is :) Thank you everyone for complimenting me! It makes me feel so good!
My new classes are going well. I'm taking British Romantics and Visual Communication. I'm excited to dive deeper into the work. I am still really enjoying my math class and all of the knowledge that I have obtained from being in that class.
I hung out a lot this week with amazing friends. My friend Sammi and I spent a lot of time together this week being chatty chatty friends. Prayer meeting was on Monday and we had an awesome time! God really showed Himself :) We had our Life Group meeting on Tuesday and the girls each wrote something nice about the other girls on a piece of paper. They are such a blessing to me! Wednesday was a fun day too! Sammi and I watched the Corpse Bride. I had never seen it before and I was kinda creeped out, but Johnny Depp is awesome! Then, we said Happy Birthday to a friend of ours and had an impromptu dance lesson on the 2nd floor.
Enter crazy days!!!!!!!!!! I didn't get to sleep until almost 2 a.m. on Wednesday night, but I had to get up early for Carlos Campo's inauguration as the new president of our school. It was an awesome ceremony. Yet, I was super tired. I walked with friends back to the Commons and ate eggs, then proceeded to fall asleep in Sammi's room for a little bit before I had to go to math class. And I was falling asleep in math class...not good. Thursday night was a lot of fun. I went to the Thursday night dance social in the Ordinary. I got to get my dance on!!!!!!! And I looked mighty cute in my dance outfit ;) Then, we went to my friend's party and had lots of fun!
I will write another blog post soon on my recent fun! This one will catch you up :)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Skinny Dip...Say What?!?!
On a side note, I'm also super excited to watch Van Helsing when I get back from Skinny Dip. I LOVE that movie! Holla for a fun Thursday evening :) Blessings!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Juana's Fall Break Saga
Tuesday was fun too, though a little less busy. I woke up and did Bible study with Sammi again. I got up and ate the same yummy breakfast as the day before. I felt a little sick and fatigued afterwards, so I took a nap. When I woke up, I found that the package my family sent me had arrived. I was so excited! I called them and talked with them as I opened it up and pulled out my winter coat, boots, hair curler, and other items from home. Yay!!! I ate a snack and prepared to go to a Mary Kay meeting with Allison Ackerman and Emma! It was a lot of fun! I love playing with makeup and I won a free product plus a new eyeliner (I can't wait to try out this new color!). I came home and ate gumbo, then watched the Princess and the Frog with my friend. Thus, my first few days of Fall Break were pretty fun! Blessings!
Blogger Challenge Day 11
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 10
I tend to listen to the same songs whether I am feeling any of the afore mentioned emotions, so that includes any fast paced Lady Gaga song, uplifting Stacie Orrico songs, Family Force 5, my favorite Jesus songs :) Dance songs!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Annnnndddd, I Have Finally Reached Fall Break!
I am done with session A of school! Yesssss! I am so tired (yet I'm up blogging...). My body hurts, my mind is foggy from spending hours upon hours writing this week. Let's go back and begin with Monday's happenings. On Monday, Sammi and I got up to do Bible Study and then Abby and I attempted to do math homework. The problems were confusing so we just ate pizza and decided to wait until after class to ask the professor for help. Then, I attempted to decide what to write my final lit paper on. Onward to Tuesday. Abby and I go to class. I tried to concentrate on figuring out the problems I needed help with, but I knew I was going to have to ask my teacher for help. At the end of class, I dropped onto my knees in front of the class and prayed out loud that God would help me (I was super stressed out and wanted a good grade on my homework). My classmates and professor all helped each other to figure out the problems we had questions on. I was able to figure out all but one....I figured I would do it once I got back home. I got back and that is when the major meltdown began. It was only one little problem I couldn't understand, but it felt like the end of the world has begun! Then, the topic I had chosen for my paper seemed odd and foreign to me, so I ended up having to change it AND write the outline for it. Abby came over and we began melting down together. Jumping on the couch and confused statements were involved. I was supposed to bake brownies for Life Group, but I had so much schoolwork to do, so Abby took over and helped me bake them. Thanks, girl :) We went to Life Group for pizza. I didn't stay for the movie because of the amount of schoolwork that needed to be done, but it was a fun time to unwind. Write outline = end of night. Enter Wednesday...I get up to spend the day writing my paper. I spent about 4 1/2 hours sitting on my couch writing. It was intense! And finally, I finished my paper, but I went 200 words OVER the limit. I had some serious proofreading to do. Thursday was a calm day. It rained, I went to math class and we got out early. I proofed my paper and cleaned up my room. The rest of the night involved dancing, giggles, and Sonic. I knew Friday was gonna be a crazy day. I had to complete a 4 hour exam and submit my paper. It truly was a crazy morning/afternoon, but thanks to God and my family and friends who prayed and loved on me, I survived. I hit "submit" for my exam and paper and I was DONE!!!! Yesssssss! So happy! Thank you, Jesus! Time to relax for a week, then do it all over again ;)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Things I'm Lovin' Right Now
2. My new magenta makes me feel like a flower
3. Pepperjack cheese
4. Playing Apples to Apples
5. Learning new worship songs
6. Thinking about Fall (notice I said "thinking"...I still wish it was summer)
7. English tea
8. Baking every week
9. Finding creative ways to cook and decorate
10. Not being able to stop dancing (well...I always loved this) <3
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Blogger Day Challenge Day 9
1. I tend to forgive and forget when people say sarcastic stuff that bothers me. But over the past few days, I've called people out when they've said mean things to me. I won't be a doormat...good grief.
2. I started running again! Thanks, Sammi girl! We ran together and it was fun!
3. I got up earlier. Not so much going to sleep earlier though....
4. Just being me! Crazy ' :)
5. Growing closer to God
Monday, October 4, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 8
1. Going to sleep earlier and waking up earlier
2. Eating better meals
3. Putting school and job hunting in higher priority
4. Being a great daughter/sister/friend
5. Reading my Bible more
6. Reading a book for fun and not for school
7. Do something crazy and daring (but not stupid)
8. Give everyone I talk to a compliment or word of encouragement
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 7
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The Most Amazing Rainy Days
Friday, October 1, 2010
Dancing All Around!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 6

Monday, September 27, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 5

Photo taken by Christen Allocco's camera
The girls and I after our tie-dye party. Awwww, look at how awesome we are :)Sunday, September 26, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 4
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Regent Regatta
Friday, September 24, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 2
I have a lot of habits...but I guess a bad habit I wish I didn't have was to worry so much. Ew. I hate worrying, but I do it too often. I always feel like I have to have control over a situation, but I always need to remember to give everything to God. He's my Papa and He takes care of me! :)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 2
Well, my blogger name is "Juana's Blog (English Major)". Because I blog with my school (Regent! Holla!), the name was chosen by the person that heads up the blog page so that other people, both students at the school and non-students, could easily identify the blog. It's my major...pretty clear. Buuuuut, if you really knew me, you'd know that if I had chosen my own blogger name, it'd probably have the words "pink" and "big hair" in them :)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Blogger Challenge Day 1
- A recent picture of you and 5 interesting facts about yourself. Here goes!!!
1. I love to run and do cartwheels
2. I once ate a plastic cherry off a dessert parents thought it was funny
3. I love smiling :)
4. I don't wear watches
5. I twist the ring around my finger when I'm nervous
Blogger Challenge!!
- A recent picture of you and 5 interesting facts about yourself.
- The meaning behind your Tumblr name.
- A habit you wish you didn’t have.
- A pictue of somewhere you’ve been to.
- A picture of you and your friends.
- Favorite super hero and why?
- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.
- Short term goals for this month and why?
- Something you’re proud of in the past few days.
- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad.
- Another picture of you and your friends
- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one.
- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
- A picture of you and your family.
- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play.
- Another picture of yourself.
- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.
- Plans/dreams/goals you have.
- Nicknames you have; why do you have them.
- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future.
- A picture of something that makes you happy.
- What makes you different from everyone else?
- Something you crave for a lot.
- A letter to your parents
- What I would find in your bag:
- What you think about your friends?
- Why are you doing this 30 challenge?
- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
- In this past month, what have you learned?
- Who are you?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Tie-Dye Date!!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Ohhhh, Just Some Things I'm Excited For ;)
1. UnChapel tonight! I haven't been to UnChapel yet this semester, but I'm looking forward to going tonight!
2. Thursday Game Night after UnChapel!!! I missed half of it last week, but hopefully, I'll make it tonight! I love playing games with my friends! Woot woot!
3. Friday shopping trip to Walmart :)
4. Friday's "Movie on the Lawn", which will be featuring Toy Story 3, which I LOVED. Snacks and a movie outside?! Holla!
5. Saturday's Tie-Dye party for our awesome hall! I've never tie-dyed before, so I'm pretty excited. PLUS I get to hang out with my awesome new girlfriends who live in my hall, including our wonderful RA Christen! We get waffles and fun time. And I'm thinking I might bake some goodies...maybe ;)
6. The Regent Regatta, which will be an awesome boat race in our awesome pond! I didn't realize that the boats actually had to have people inside of them...yeah, they do. The Regatta isn't until next week, so if I decided to participate with my hall, we have 24 hours to make the boat. Who knows?! We might win!
So yes, these are the things for which I am excited for; God ALWAYS has amazing things planned for me :) My school is pretty amazing! Blessings!