Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to School and Election Time

Wow! Summer went so fast, but it was so fun! Let's get updated again, just in case you haven't read my blog before. I'm 19 years old (yay for summer birthdays!) and I am a student at Regent University. My major is English/Journalism. I love loving God and my family, dancing, laughing, and eating :) I recently got a Facebook page, so look me up!

As I get back into school mode, it's easy to see why I love summer so much, but also why I love school. Never cease to learn! I just pray to God for guidance and peace as my life transitions a bit every day. This coming 2008 presidential election is the first one in which I get to vote! Yippee! I'm very excited to voice my opinion that will help shape the country. No matter who wins the election, it will be one that goes down in history because either the first black male will win the presidency or the first woman will be the vice president. I definitely think that McCain and Palin are a good match for running mates.

I pray that all who are back to school and who are voting in the election that God will give you wisdom. Have a blessed day.

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