Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Things of the Morning

The things of the morning of are quiet, small, and quaint
Understanding the night has gone away, faint faint faint.
Dim and dark until the shine comes through
Waking, waking, waking to the new.
Rise up and roll to the world,
Unclenched fists, unfurl unfurl.
A splash of water, a brush of the hair
The things of the morning are shining and clear.
A rush to the fresh air and dash back in
A rush back out and in again.
A talk of words, a smile, and a see, see, see
And back again to watch Eve, Eve.
The cafe is sweet, the air is breathing its take
Here I am this morning, awake awake awake.

-An Original Poem by Juana :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

To Love and To Be Loved...

I heard these words in a movie once and I have been thinking about them since. Love can be such a powerful is not to be toyed with or faked. Love can can can reassure. I hope that if I accomplish nothing else in life, I would have only wished to love and be loved. And I think that one cannot be complete without the other. I recently found some beautiful words by Elizabeth Barrett Browning in her "Sonnet 28": "To come and touch my hand...a simple thing/ Yet I wept for it". It reminds me of how much we yearn to be loved and how a simple act of love can stir up powerful emotions in us. And the act does not have to be outrageous in order for us to feel the intensity behind it. Just as Browning wrote, a simple touch can make us weep because we know that love is the driving factor. Another statement of love that I live by is from a movie called "I Capture the Castle"..."I love, I have loved, I will love". This statement captures the ongoing nature of never stops. My heart swells with love and I take every possible moment to love those around me. I pray that all may find love in family, friendships, and beyond. Remember...I love...I have loved...I will love :)


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Singing, Dancing, and Laughing!

Wow! It's my first post of 2010! Gooooo meeeeeeee! :) I woke up this morning in a particularly good mood. Later on, I just kept singing, dancing, and laughing...for pretty much the whole afternoon! In the car, at my computer, walking down the stairs, running errands everywhere! I didn't even care if anyone gave me crazy looks! They'll just have to deal with the fact that I'm a crazy, happy, and blessed girl!!!! And all of this joy got me thinking...why can't we be like this all the time? Why can't we express the joy of the Lord everywhere, anywhere, and anytime, even amidst suffering? He wants us to be happy and joyful! Moping will get us nowhere fast! Singing, dancing, and laughing with a joyful spirit will help us slow down and smell the roses! So be happy for a change! SING, DANCE, LAUGH with all your might!!!!!! You won't be sorry :) Blessings!
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